Thursday, November 21, 2019

Heinrich Wolfflin's book, Principles of Art History Essay

Heinrich Wolfflin's book, Principles of Art History - Essay Example There is more use of much plane in the renaissance drawing by order of presenting strata parallels to the planes of the picture. There are forward and backward relations in the renaissance picture and this are indicated with a look at the planes as presented in the background walls. There is also presentation of a foreground that is simple in both pictures. However, in the renaissance picture, it is easier to explain the foreground formation than the background plane view. The reverse is seen in the baroque picture. Actually, the presentation in the baroque picture is recessional. There are also multiple presentations of planes. The scene has a small group of multiple people. There are very few planes that discrete because each of the figure distances is occupied by an overlapping figure. This allows the viewer to travel their eyes through the painting in a similarly overlapping manner . From the pictures, it is determined that the renaissance picture as presented by Giovanni’ s in the ‘Lamentation with Saints (1490)’ presents an aspect of flat planes. Some parallelism is also presented as indicated by the background walls hanging over the group of people. The presentation in the baroque picture by Reuben indicates diagonal movements of the axes that directly create an attraction to the picture movement as opposed to the plane’s flatness. A comparison of the two pictures indicates much plane in renaissance than the recession in baroque. This refers to a comparison between an entity that is self-contained.

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